Books received this week.

I'm making an effort to start keeping track of what shows up on my doorstep in a slightly more organized manner than my current arrangement, which is to keep them in random piles stacked around the living room until Josh freaks out and consolidates them into a BOOK CUBE™ and I lose track of everything and OH THE HUMANITY.

When Reason Breaks, by Cindy L. Rodriguez

Emily Dickinson, depression, suicide, and anger issues. The "Goth girl with an attitude problem" has been done to death, but EMILY DICKINSON. I will always read books that celebrate her.

Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters, by Shannon Hale


Like Water on Stone, by Dana Walrath

I mentioned wanting to read this one in my What's New in November post at Kirkus, so, RAD.

Two Renegade Realms (Realm Walkers Book 2), by Donita K. Paul

I find the cover art rather... busy. But it sounds like the storyline—multiverse portal adventure, dragons, corrupt leaders, missing guru—is pretty busy as well, so the cover art may well be very appropriate.

Waterfall (Teardrop Trilogy Book 2), by Lauren Kate

Even though this is a completely different series, I associate Lauren Kate with fallen angels. And, with a very few exceptions *coughCastielcough*, I'm not all that interested in fallen angels. So I never got around to the first one in this series. HOWEVER. Now that I know that it involves a girl "whose tears have the power to raise the lost continent of Atlantis", I may have to back up and give it a try. BECAUSE THAT PREMISE IS BANANAS.

The Imaginary, by A.F. Harrold and Emily Gravett

A girl's imaginary friend has to go on the run when an Imaginary Friend Hunter comes to town. I'm already sold on the artwork, hopefully the writing is as strong.

Soulprint, by Megan Miranda

I love the premise: People are held responsible for crimes committed in their past lives. Heroine has had enough of that nonsense, escapes her island prison with a few others, complications ensue.

K-9 (Knightley and Son), by Rohan Gavin

I wasn't a huge fan of the first book—which was so strange, as you'd think that a story about a 10-year-old genius fighting the paranormal would have been a perfect fit for me—so I'm not super excited about this one. But who knows, maybe the second outing will grab me. 

This Side of Home, by Renée Watson

Ethnic and cultural identity, gentrification, friendship and college and a pair of close-knit twins beginning to explore life apart from each other. HOLY COW, GET IN MY EYEBALLS RIGHT NOW.

All the Answers, by Kate Messner


Positively Beautiful, by Wendy Mills

Cancer, friendship, romance, and flying lessons. 

How We Fall, by Kate Brauning

I mentioned this one in that same Kirkus column, so RAD TIMES TWO.