Morning links.
- There are only a few days left to vote in the semifinal round of the 2012 GoodReads Choice Awards.
- Excited about the National Book Awards tonight? Gear up with readings from this year's finalists in the Fiction and Nonfiction categories at NPR.
- This headline is straight out of the Brothers Grimm: Russian grandmother kills wolf with axe, bare hands.
- The timewaster to end all timewasters.
- Another trailer for The Host:
Get More: Jake Abel, Saoirse Ronan, William Hurt, Diane Kruger, Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
- The 2012 Oxford Dictionaries American Word of the Year? GIF. The UK Word of the Year? Omnishambles. More at mental_floss.
- YA books in which the male and female leads act as equals.
- Yet another tumblr to follow: Slushpile Hell.
- Hilarious advertisement for Good Books. (Somewhat NSFW, though it's mostly innuendo and imagery of the trains-entering-tunnels nature):