A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, by T. Kingfisher

A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, by T. Kingfisher

A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, by T. Kingfisher

I recently wrote about A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, by T. Kingfisher, at Substack.

Spoiler: I LOVED IT:

It’s the first book I’ve read in a long, long time that reminded me so much of what I love about Diana Wynne Jones: it’s a book that made me feel the vast possibility of magic, from the joyfully absurd to the heartbreaking. It’s a book that introduces what seems like an insignificant magical talent—one centered around baking—and shows that the only thing that makes it insignificant is the magic user’s own perspective. That with a little imagination, even seemingly small magic can be mighty.

Maybe more importantly: T. Kingfisher, like Diana Wynne Jones, can make anything come to life. She can give anything—including sourdough starter—personality.

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