How many chapter books feature the Mark of Satan?: Scott Corbett's Here Lies the Body.

Front and back cover of the 1978 edition of Scott Corbett’s Here Lies the Body.

Front and back cover of the 1978 edition of Scott Corbett’s Here Lies the Body.

As you may already know, I’ve been revisiting—and in this case, reading for the first time!—some children’s horror novels from the 70s. Right now, I’m focused on books written by Scott Corbett and illustrated by Geff Gerlach.

As far as I know, there are only three of them: The Red Room Riddle, Captain Butcher’s Body, and this one, Here Lies the Body. I wrote about it over at Substack.

What children’s books terrified you as a child, and what was it about them that scared you so much? I’m definitely looking for more to add to my TBR list!