Hide and Seeker, by Daka Hermon

Book cover: Hide and Seeker, by Daka Hermon

Book cover: Hide and Seeker, by Daka Hermon

I recently wrote about Hide and Seeker at Substack:

Here’s how I know that a book is really Bringing The Suspense—when I turn the page and see that I’m almost at the end of a chapter, my eyes immediately flit to the last sentence to prepare myself for whatever’s coming. Basically, when I’m reading something that has me super-enthralled, I have no control over my own eyeballs.

Hide and Seeker was one of those reads.

The basic premise is this: There is a monster connected to the game Hide & Seek. Break the rules, get catapulted into an alternate reality where you have to face amped-up versions of your own personal fears.

You’re there either until you escape, or until you make a deal with the Seeker.

And no one escapes.

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