The Truth Commission, by Susan Juby

The Truth Commission, by Susan Juby

The Truth Commission, by Susan Juby

...I wrote about Susan Juby's The Truth Commission, which I LOOOOOOOVE:

For years, Norm has lived next to the spotlight—her older sister is an art prodigy and a massively popular comic book creator. And for years, Norm has also lived directly IN the spotlight—said comic book is a thinly veiled fun-house caricature of the Pale household, a place in which any moment of uncertainty, of embarrassment, of weakness, is exaggerated and lampooned and handed to the rest of the world for dissection and debate. Heroines—especially YA heroines—get a lot of flak for not being active-enough agents of change in their own lives. Normandy Pale made me reevaluate my assumptions, my prejudices, my attitude about passivity. BONUS: Juby does the same thing with love triangles.