Donation of the day.

RivalToday, I'm donating* Rival, by Sara Bennett Wealer:

The girls take turns narrating their story in the present and the past, providing both perspectives on the arc of their friendship. Rival is a solid contemporary YA drama: Brooke and Kathryn have distinct voices and they're both flawed yet relatable. Sara Bennett Wealer deals with both characters fairly: They both do some really rotten things and some really decent things. Even better, she never tips the balance: It never feels like one character is supposed to be more In The Right than the other. Because of that, I never chose one to root for -- and never even wanted to -- which is a rare (and welcome) thing when it comes to this sort of story.


*In case you missed it, I took over the running of my town library last week, and every day that I've worked, I've donated a book. Or two.