Kate Winslet continues to be rad.

Kate winslet divergentFrom USA Today, in re: playing Divergent's Jeanine Matthews:

The role gives the Oscar winner (best actress for 2008's The Reader) the opportunity to play her first screen villain.

"I'm no idiot. The idea went through my head that I have never played a baddie before," she says. "I was almost kind of surprised."

The pregnancy helped maintain the intimidation factor, since Winslet came into the shoot late. She used that distance from her co-stars to her advantage by keeping herself slightly aloof initially.

"I wanted to break it and say, 'It's OK, I'm really fun. I promise.' " she says. "But I thought, just for today, I'd let them think that I am a complete bitch."

If you are unaware of the magnitude of her awesomosity, you probably haven't seen this episode of Extras, which earned her an official FREE PASS FOR LIFE*.


*Other recipients: Nicolas Cage, for Wild at Heart; the entire cast of Twin Peaks (except James and Donna and Harold); Vin Diesel, because he's Vin Diesel.