SDQ Interview with Elizabeth Scott.

ElizabethscottWith each new book, more and more readers are discovering Elizabeth Scott.  Invariably, after discovering her, they say, "Omigod!  She's, like, the next Sarah Dessen!"  (Seriously.  Google some blog reviews of her books.  You'll see.)  She's the author of the lovely and fantabulous Bloom, of Perfect You (Vitamins!  Romance!) and of the so-to-be published Stealing Heaven (Thievery!  Romance!).  I only just discovered her, and she's already made my author shortlist -- if she writes it, I will read it.  If you dig realistic teen fiction, she is not to be missed. 

Now I'm just waiting for her to write a book about a girl who has both of her parents for high school teachers...

From your website: "I remember some of the books I read when I was growing up so vividly, not just because they were wonderfully written, but because what was in them really spoke to me." Which ones?

I loved, loved, loved ARE YOU THERE GOD, IT'S ME, MARGARET, which I read about a million times, and STARRING SALLY J. FREEDMAN AS HERSELF, which I also read about a million times and still read about once a year. I also vividly remember reading Paula Danziger's THE DIVORCE EXPRESS and being completely enthralled by her descriptions of Phoebe's life, which was amazingly exotic to me (I grew up in the middle of nowhere).

Which current YA authors would you have loved as a teen?

So many! Really, if young adult novels from now had been available when I was a teen--oh, I get all dreamy-eyed just thinking about it.

Are there certain authors (regardless of what age group they write for, etc.) who you love so much that you'll run out and buy their books on the release day? Any upcoming books that you're really looking forward to?

Sarra Manning*. I think she's such an amazing writer. I already buy everything she writes off the second it comes out because I can't wait for it to show up here (and her latest series had better show up here!)

As far as upcoming books--I'll be honest with you. I read a lot of of YA. A LOT. But because I tend to read it when I'm taking a break from writing, I read in short spurts throughout the year, so I don't pay too much attention to release dates. I just buy it when I see it, stockpile it, and then devour it when I have time.

Stealing_heavenNot only do you have a book out at the end of this month, but you've also got one coming out in September and two due out next year. What can you tell us about them?

STEALING HEAVEN, which comes out at the end of May/beginning of June is about Dani, an eighteen-year-old silver thief (yes, really!) who travels around the country with her mother robbing the wealthy, and what happens when they travel to a small beach town and Dani finds herself making friends, questioning her life, and falling for a guy--who happens to be a cop.

LIVING DEAD GIRL, which comes out in September, is very different than the books I've had released so far. It's about a girl called Alice, who was kidnapped when she was ten--and has spent five years living with her kidnapper.

In 2009, I have two books coming out: SOMETHING, MAYBE will be out in March, and it's about a girl who, because of her infamous parents, has mastered the art of going unnoticed--and what happens when she tries to get the attention of the guy she likes.

LOVE YOU HATE YOU MISS YOU will be out later in the year, and it's about friendship, loss, facing your fears--and yourself.

BloomSo far, your books have been stand-alones.  Have you had requests from your readers for sequels or companion novels?  What do you think -- are you likely to re-visit any of your characters?

I have had requests for sequels to Bloom and Perfect You, and while I don't think I'm likely to revisit Lauren or Kate again, I have to say I've always wondered what happens to Katie (from Bloom)

And now for the regular prompts:

Books Currently Reading:

The Grave Tattoo, Bonk, and Unaccustomed Earth

Music Currently in Rotation:

Hard Candy by Madonna

Perfectyou2Last Movie Viewed:

Something New

Literary Crush (real or fictional):

Helen Dunmore. I would love to meet her and thank her for everything she's written.

Pet Peeve:

Toilet paper hung the wrong way. (I know, it's insane! But it really does bug me.)

Current Obsession:

Life in Stalin's Russia

Guilty Pleasure:

Eating a piece of cake for breakfast.

Jedi_squirrelsIrrational Fears:

flying. and squirrels.

Favorite Piece of Trivia:

Currently, it's that North Dakota's state fruit is the Chokecherry.  (Best fruit name EVER).

*If this interview goes up a little late, blame Sarra Manning and her O.C. vs. Gossip Girl blog post.  I agree with most of her picks, but while I do see the bizarre charm of Chuck, my love for Ryan Atwood lives on...


Today marks the kick off of the 2008 Summer Blast Blog Tour! 

The full schedule is available over at Chasing Ray, and today's other interviews are:

Adam Rex at Fuse Number 8
David Almond at 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast
R.L. Lafevers at Finding Wonderland
Dave Schwartz at Shaken & Stirred
Laurie Halse Anderson at Writing & Ruminating
Susan Beth Pfeffer at Interactive Reader