SDQ Interview with Margo Rabb.

Margo Rabb, author of the super-duper Cures for Heartbreak* is in the midst of a two-week, ten-stop Internet Book Tour.  Margo

I usually have much more of an intro, but I was so thrown by Margo's Favorite Piece of Trivia (see below) that it's all I can think about right now.  Seriously.  It freaked me out. 


Besides, it isn't my intro you're interested in, right?  So let's get straight to it!

Book currently reading:

My Kitchen Wars by Betty Fussell.  It’s a great memoir of domestic life in the 1940s through the 1970s.  It includes vignettes from the author’s college days, when women weren’t allowed to wear pants, through her years as a faculty wife at Princeton, when the university refused to let her take classes because she was a woman.  Reading it makes me feel grateful to be a woman in the present generation.

SallyMusic in current rotation:

Regina Spektor's Begin To Hope

Last Movie Viewed:

It isn’t a movie, but an old TV show—Gidget starring Sally Field.  I loved it when I saw it in syndication when I was little, and I still love it now.  I grew up in New York City and I can barely swim, but I guess I’ve always secretly longed to be a California surfer girl.

Literary Crush: 

Edward Gorey.  Last summer my husband and I visited his house in Cape Cod, which they’ve made into a museum.  He lived there with over 25,000 books and six cats, and they even have his trademark raccoon coat on display.  (Apparently he felt so guilty about having a raccoon coat that he eventually stopped wearing it, and allowed a raccoon family to live in his attic as a sort of a penance.)

Pet Peeve: 

The word "anyhoo." My sister hates that word also, as well as "whatnot," so of course I’ve enjoyed repeating them to her incessantly with the sole purpose of driving her insane.  She returned the favor by repeating "preggers" to me when I was pregnant.  That word makes my skin crawl.

Current obsession:

For my birthday this January, my husband bought me The Murray’s Cheese Handbook, which has a section entitled “Cheeses to Eat Before You Die,” so we’re slowly making our way through that list.  We most recently tried the Burrata, which is a hollow ball made of fresh buffalo mozzarella filled with oozy cheese curds and cream—it’s insanely delicious.

Guilty Pleasures:

The aforementioned cheese, chocolate in all forms, pie, and watching Wife Swap on TV.   

Favorite Piece of Trivia:Basement_2

There’s a neurological condition called Alien Hand Syndrome, in which one of your hands acts with a mind of its own—it could even unbutton your shirt during a business lunch.

Irrational Fear:

Going into dark basements by myself.

Favorite Words:

Moonpie and imbroglio.

The ten-day tour will wind up tomorrow, with Mindy at  If you've missed her other stops, here's a handy-dandy list of links:

Cures for Heartbreak3/19: Colleen Mondor at Chasing Ray
3/20: Lizzie Skurnick at theoldhag
3/21: Jen Robinson at Jen Robinson's Book Page
3/22: Betsy Bird at Fuse #8
3/23: Kelly Herold at Big A Little A
3/26: Liz Burns at A Chair, A Fireplace and a Tea Cozy
3/27: Jackie Parker at Interactive Reader
3/28: Little Willow at Bildungsroman

Looking for even more Margo Rabb?  Befriend her on MySpace

But wait, there's more!  If you'd like a free copy of Cures for Heartbreak, send an email to  There will be a different winner on each day of the tour.

*My review isn't posted yet, so be sure to check out the reviews by these ladies:  Jen Robinson, Colleen Mondor, and Kelly Herold.

**That was for you, Margo.