The Hunting Party, by Lucy Foley
Books -- Adult, Books -- MysteriesLeila Royadult, mystery, contemporary, contemporary mystery, author f, published 2019, lucy foley, author from england, set in scotland
The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, by Corinne May Botz
Books -- Nonfiction, Books -- AdultLeila Roycorinne may botz, author b, frances glessner lee, true crime, nonfiction, photography, published 2004, adult, dollhouses, dolls
Women & Power: A Manifesto, by Mary Beard
Hex, by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Books -- Horror, Books -- Fantasy, Books -- AdultLeila Royadult, fantasy, horror, published 2016, author from the netherlands, thomas olde heuvelt, translation, set in new york, author o
Kindle Daily Deal: Georgette Heyer
What I'm Reading: April 17
What I'm Reading: April 7
Books -- Fantasy, Books -- Short Stories, Books -- SF, Books -- Adult, MagazinesLeila Royshort stories, adult, literary magazines, published 2017, science fiction, fantasy, what i'm reading
What I'm Reading: April 6
Books -- Comics, Books -- Adult, Books -- Fantasy, Books -- SFLeila Roywhat i'm reading, saladin ahmed, marvel, black bolt, superheroes, comics, published 2017, published 2018, adult
The Accusation, by Bandi