Impromptu vacation.

I had one.

Last week.

It all started when we had a snow day on Wednesday.


Thursday, there was the actual Thanksgiving.

(Second THANKSGIVING MIRACLE: I found a store that stocks Zotz and Bottle Caps!)

Friday, another day off.

And then, the regular weekend.

Thus, no blogging.

But, in my defense, those days off were mega-busy: reading loads and loads for the Cybils; Thanksgiving family shenanigans (Little Sister and I proved, yet again, to be the Bad Seeds because we wrapped up fancy beer instead of Christmas-themed gifties for the annual Roy Family Yankee Swap); making and freezing approximately one million handpies*; and I might have accidentally played some videogames.

And watched Captain America. And Thor. And a zillion episodes of Psych. And also Fast Five.**


*Josh roasted two turkeys last week. Neither of them for Thanksgiving. And we have another one currently defrosting. TURKEY SALE FTW!

**Captain America: Weak.
   Thor: Entertaining, but mostly due to Thor-the-frat-boy being strangely likable. 
   Fast Five: As expected, it was SO AWESOME I ALMOST DIED. At one point (when Vin Diesel and The Rock Set Their Differences Aside and Team Up), I did victory arms and yelled, "HOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!" (I'm not even remotely exaggerating. The whole thing made me realize that despite an attempt to look tough and cool, Fast Five is basically a feel-good movie with lots of explosions.)

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