Nerdy staged library photos = yay!

Short version:

I've been talking Young Adult Fiction online since 2004. Currently serving on the Amelia Bloomer Project committee; columnist at Kirkus Reviews since 2010; general blather since forever.


I discovered the online literary world and started Bookshelves of Doom back in 2004. In the early days, I was all about reacting to books utterly on a personal level, without thinking about the books in the context of literary history, real-life history, or about how other readers might react to them. Today, I still write from my heart and my gut, but I'm much more mindful of the Bigger Picture. (Or I try to be, at any rate.)

Before moving to Squarespace in 2014, Bookshelves of Doom was hosted at Blogger (2004-2005) and then at Typepad (2005-2014). Pre-Squarespace posts that haven't been reformatted are housed in the Archives—expect broken links galore. Apologies for that—I'm working on combing through everything, but with a decade of posts to work through, it's bound to take a good long while. As I clean them up, I'm moving them out of the Archives and into the main body of the site.


I'm currently serving on the Amelia Bloomer Project committee. I participated in the Cybils from 2006 until 2015, I've been a columnist at Kirkus Reviews since 2010, and I was one of the original posters at Guys Lit Wire.

Real life!

I live in a small town in Maine with my husband, our two murderous cats, and the ghost of our Jack Russell. I've worked in a school library, an academic library, as an assistant in a public library, and now, I'm the director—and sole full-time employee—of my town library.

Review policy! 

I read and review primarily YA fiction. I make exceptions to that rule, mostly for middle-grade and adult crossovers, historical mystery/romances, crime, and other genre fiction. I do not review self-help, inspirational memoirs/nonfiction, erotica, or medical texts. 

While I mainly focus on YA print fiction here, I love stories for all ages and in all forms. I read across market categories and genres, formats and publication dates, highbrow to lowbrow, I watch television shows and movies and listen to music and read comics and poetry. I love finding and sharing long-forgotten backlist titles just as much as discovering and discussing up-and-coming new titles. 

While I do accept unsolicited review copies, I cannot promise to review everything I receive.